Where community and faith collide
Collisions can be beautiful and messy. At Arise we care deeply about community, people coming together to love, care and support one another. We also care deeply about faith. Not a legalistic, rules based faith...but instead a faith that calls us to be who God created us to be. To be authentically ourselves and to work to build a better world. This is how we worship and honor God.
Sometimes being in community while growing our faith is messy work, but it is always worth it. The hardest and messiest things oftentimes are the most rewarding.
As a whole, Arise Campus Ministry shares God's love with college students at George Mason and local NOVA community colleges. We are serious about our faith and community.
We believe in Jesus Christ, and thus welcome ALL, share God's universal love and compassionately live out our faith on campus and in the community.
Sometimes being in community while growing our faith is messy work, but it is always worth it. The hardest and messiest things oftentimes are the most rewarding.
As a whole, Arise Campus Ministry shares God's love with college students at George Mason and local NOVA community colleges. We are serious about our faith and community.
We believe in Jesus Christ, and thus welcome ALL, share God's universal love and compassionately live out our faith on campus and in the community.

We are serious about community
Everyone is welcome at Arise Campus Ministry, and this really means everyone! We believe this stems from the example and teachings of Jesus.
We welcome all persons who genuinely want to find community and grow in their understanding of God and their own faith.
Our staff are safe-zone trained through GMU, and we are an affirming campus ministry.
We welcome all persons who genuinely want to find community and grow in their understanding of God and their own faith.
Our staff are safe-zone trained through GMU, and we are an affirming campus ministry.
We are serious about faith
We have multiple Life-groups meeting during the week, in a fun, laid-back environment
We believe God loves us and the world and we serve our community because of this belief.
Our staff is happy to chat with anyone, just set-up a time to grab coffee with Drew and Alison. They will probably will pay for it too...

Be a part of our story...
Join us for Life Group meetings weekly!